January’s Featured Animal: The Jaguar

Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo’s featured animal for January is the largest cat in the Americas, the Jaguar! We sat down with Mammal Department Manager, Casey, to talk about these incredible animals, and answer some of the questions submitted … Continued

Edward Mountain Lion’s Trip to the Vet

Over the last year and a half, our Animal Care Specialists noticed that our sweet, elderly mountain lion — Edward — was regularly limping on his front right paw. Because of the amazing relationship our staff has with Edward, we … Continued

Slithering Through September

As weather begins to cool off here in south Texas, snake sightings begin to increase. Wait a second… aren’t snakes supposed to prefer hot weather? Turns out, that’s not always the case!  Why are we seeing more snakes this time … Continued

Goodbye, Sam Alligator

It is with heavy hearts that our staff said goodbye to Sam the American Alligator on August 21, 2020.  Sam came to Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo shortly after its opening in 1967, making him the resident who had … Continued

January’s Featured Animal: The Binturong

Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo’s featured animal for January is the Binturong. We sat down with Mammal Keeper, Annie Kennedy, to talk about these amazing creatures, and answer some questions submitted by our Facebook and Instagram followers. Before we get … Continued

World Croc Day!

World Croc Day is June 17, 2019. To celebrate, we sat down with resident croc enthusiast, Jarrod Forthman, to talk about these incredible animals, and answer some questions submitted by our Facebook and Instagram followers. Before we get started talking … Continued

Autism Awareness Day

Did you know that April is Autism Awareness Month? For the past four years, Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo has teamed up with the H.E.L.P. Autism group to host an Autism Awareness event. This event is full of fun … Continued

March’s Featured Animal: Asian Small Clawed Otter

Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo’s featured animal for March is the Asian Small Clawed Otter. We sat down with Mammal Keeper, Paulina Cantu, to talk about these adorable creatures, and answer some questions submitted by our Facebook and Instagram followers. Before we get … Continued

Spring Break!

Celebrate Spring Break in the Wildest Way Imaginable at Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo! New Show Schedule Be sure to check out our Spring Break Show Schedule. It’s packed full of interactive and educational shows that take place every 30 … Continued

February’s Featured Animal: Prairie Dog

Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo’s featured animal for February is the Prairie Dog. We sat down with Mammal Keeper, Jonny Denman, to talk about these amazing creatures, and answer some questions submitted by our Facebook and Instagram followers. Can you tell us why … Continued

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