Celebrating National Zookeeper Week: Honoring Our Dedicated Keepers

Welcome to Animal World and Snake Farm Zoo’s celebration of National Zookeeper Week! This week, from July 21st to July 27th, is dedicated to honoring the incredible zookeepers who tirelessly care for our animals and educate the public about wildlife conservation. Zookeepers play a vital role in ensuring the well-being of our animal residents, from feeding and medical care to enrichment activities and habitat maintenance. Their passion, dedication, and expertise are essential to our zoo’s success and our animals’ happiness.

We are immensely grateful for our zookeepers’ hard work and commitment. Their daily efforts make a significant difference in the lives of the animals and the experience of our visitors. In this blog, we are excited to highlight some of our amazing zookeepers, sharing their stories and insights into the rewarding and challenging world of zookeeping. Join us in celebrating these remarkable individuals who make our zoo a wonderful place for animals and visitors.

Meet Keagan 

Keagan loves the ever-changing nature of being a zookeeper, where no two days are the same. A passion for meeting new people and sharing knowledge about animals brings immense joy. One unforgettable experience was during a thunderstorm when all the alligators began bellowing with the thunder. This moment left a lasting impression. Keagan’s lifelong dream was to work with wildlife and positively impact the world. Zookeeping allows the fulfillment of that dream daily. Mornings are spent performing husbandry duties for the many reptiles at Animal World and Snake Farm Zoo. Once the zoo opens, Keagan engages guests with shows, encounters, and various projects. Keagan believes that reptiles recognize their caretakers and stresses the importance of calm, deliberate movements to make them feel comfortable. Keagan wishes more people understood that snakes are not evil or aggressive but simply want to live their lives undisturbed. Sharing a fun fact, Keagan notes that while alligators love “croc biscuits,” crocodiles can’t stand them. Keagan advises aspiring zookeepers to gain volunteer experience as it can significantly impact their journey.

Meet Cassidy

Cassidy’s greatest joy as a zookeeper is educating others about the animals at the zoo. Inspired by Steve Irwin, Cassidy believes the only way to protect and save wildlife is by encouraging others to care about them. A memorable moment in Cassidy’s career was training the zoo’s Komodo dragon to perform various behaviors, a dream come true since childhood.

Cassidy’s typical day involves taking care of reptile exhibits, feeding snakes, cleaning enclosures, and performing educational shows for the public. Positive reinforcement training techniques are used to build trust with the animals, showing them that their keepers are not scary but bring gifts and food. Cassidy wishes people knew how deeply loved the animals at the zoo are. Many zookeepers even have photos of the animals they care for on their phone lock screens.

Behind the scenes, Cassidy shares that every animal, even the rattlesnakes, gets baby-talked daily. The Snake Farm also participates in breeding programs for rare and endangered species, contributing to the conservation of many reptiles on the IUCN Red List. For aspiring zookeepers, Cassidy advises staying in school and continuously learning, as the field is constantly evolving and that’s what makes it exciting.

Meet Savannah

Savannah loves the unique bonds formed with the extraordinary animals in her care, especially the endangered species otherwise rarely seen. One of the most memorable moments involves spending time with the affectionate goats at the zoo. The goats love to be cuddled, and others soon join in when petting one. Often, Savannah finds 3-5 goats, 2 mini cows, and a deer all vying for attention.

A lifelong desire to work in animal care led Savannah to zookeeping, a field that allows interaction with a wide variety of animals while gaining valuable experience in medication, cleaning, and grooming. A typical day starts with checking up on the animals in the petting zoo and cleaning their exhibits. Then, the carnivores’ diets are prepared, their dinner is served, the goats’ hooves are trimmed, and an interactive show is finished. Ensuring the care logs are accurate and up-to-date is also a key part of the routine.

Building trust with the animals is essential. Caring for them by feeding them and keeping their exhibits clean is a great start. Many animals enjoy being petted and handled; specialized enrichment activities and quality time help build strong bonds. Savannah wishes more people knew that the majority of the goats are females. While both males and females can have horns and beards, there are often subtle differences between them.

A fun behind-the-scenes fact is that the fennec foxes, Joe and Janet, are super active in the mornings and evenings despite often being found sleeping during the day. Joe greets Savannah every morning by zipping around the exhibit, rolling onto his back, and wagging his tail. For aspiring zookeepers, Savannah advises learning as much as possible about every animal of interest, pursuing an animal-related degree, gaining experience through volunteering, and even brushing up on raking skills.

Meet Dante

Dante loves the opportunity to work with a wide variety of reptiles on a daily basis. Every day brings hands-on experiences with different species of snakes, alligators, and crocodiles, driving Dante’s passion for working with animals and pursuing a degree in Wildlife Biology. One of the most memorable moments at the zoo is engaging in close reptile interactions with kids passionate about animals. Dante recalls visiting Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo at age 11, where a deep passion for animal care was sparked. He now enjoys seeing that same excitement in the eyes of young visitors.

Inspired to become a zoologist and travel the world to study wild animals in their natural habitats, Dante has a strong love for big cats and mammals. Working at the zoo provides valuable experience with reptiles and helps develop skills in public speaking. A typical day at the Snake Farm involves reptile husbandry tasks such as feeding snakes, cleaning enclosures, checking for eggs, cutting weeds, and conducting interactive shows with guests. The role requires adaptability and constant innovation to improve animal welfare and care.

Building trust with the reptiles involves time and experience. The supportive and interactive reptile team helps the animals become comfortable with guests during shows and interactions. Dante wishes more people knew that snakes are mild-mannered creatures and can be good pets if adequately cared for. Snakes are only aggressive when they feel threatened; educating people on this can change misconceptions.

For those aspiring to become zookeepers, Dante advises staying committed to the goal, networking with experienced professionals, and pursuing a science degree at a university or college to gain essential knowledge for the field.

Meet Karissa

Karissa loves working with various unique animals and finds bonding closely with certain ones particularly special. One memorable moment involved gaining the trust of a new lemur at the facility who had been struggling to interact with other keepers. Karissa spent time with the lemur and built a connection allowing for positive interactions.

From a young age, Karissa desired to work closely with exotic animals. Although the veterinary field felt too medical, zookeeping offered the perfect balance. A typical day begins with checking emails and the enrichment sheet to see which animals need enrichment. Karissa then gathers diets and supplies, checks enclosure temperatures, and spends several hours cleaning exhibits. Afterward, diets are prepared, shows are performed, and various projects and mammal encounters are conducted. The day ends with cleaning tasks, logging activities, and completing enrichment sheets.

Building trust with animals starts with establishing a neutral presence and then making positive associations through petting, grooming, feeding, and playing. Karissa wishes visitors knew that the on-display fennec foxes, Joe and Janet, are fully mature adults despite their small size. A behind-the-scenes fact is the significant upkeep required for water features and pools which the keepers themselves often maintain.

Karissa advises aspiring zookeepers to understand that the job involves more cleaning than one might expect and requires comfort with public speaking. A degree and internships are essential along with making connections through volunteer work and keeping good references. Persistence is key as the job can be challenging to enter but becomes more manageable once established.

Meet Casey

Casey loves taking care of baby lions and clouded leopards, finding joy in nurturing these incredible animals. Consistency and patience are key to building trust and bonds with the animals, ensuring they feel comfortable and cared for. A typical day for Casey involves various tasks such as feeding, cleaning, and providing enrichment activities to keep the animals healthy and engaged.

A memorable behind-the-scenes moment for Casey is with the zoo’s umbrella cockatoo. The cockatoo loves coming out for nail trims because it gets to listen to music and receive lots of love from the keeper staff. Casey wishes people knew that the animals at the zoo are individuals with their own personalities and needs. Understanding and respecting these differences is essential for their care.

Inspired to become a zookeeper by a passion for wildlife and a desire to make a difference, Casey’s advice for aspiring zookeepers is to gain as much volunteer or intern experience as possible. This hands-on experience is invaluable in building the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career in zookeeping.

Meet Deana

Deana loves bonding with the animals and seeing them every day, knowing that her efforts help give them a great life. She enjoys sharing her experiences with others and is always enthusiastic about discussing her job. A memorable moment for Deana was caring for the last litter of white lion cubs, knowing that helping a critically endangered species population is both awe-inspiring and fulfilling.

Growing up on a cattle farm, Deana was always surrounded by animals and watched her grandfather care for them, which left a lasting impression on her life. A typical day for Deana involves hours of cleaning, feeding, and general caretaking of the animals in the morning. Throughout the day, she maintains enclosures and engages in private educational encounters with guests and interactive shows.

Building trust with the animals usually starts by being the one who feeds them. Deana also talks to all her animals as if they were her children which helps to strengthen the bond. She wishes visitors knew how loved the animals are by every zookeeper. The animals are in the best hands as the zookeepers genuinely love what they do and often see the animals more than their friends and family.

Here is a fascinating behind-the-scenes story about Zookeepers. They are also responsible for non-animal-related tasks such as painting the mesh on exhibits and adding decor like

tree branches, plants, and ropes. When looking at the exhibits, remember that zookeepers have a significant hand in their upkeep.

Deana advises aspiring zookeepers to understand that zookeeping is far from just “playing” with animals. It is a labor-intensive job that requires being on your feet for long hours and doing much heavy lifting. Tasks also include mowing, weeding, painting bars, and adding new branches to enclosures.

Meet Amber

Amber loves working with a wide variety of mammals and birds, including small mammals, hoofstock, primates, large carnivores, and parrots. Caring for these animals is a gratifying job that brings immense satisfaction. One memorable moment was celebrating Tilly’s 6th birthday, a common brown lemur, by making her a birthday card for enrichment.

Amber’s passion for working with animals was sparked in high school during an environmental science class focused on conserving endangered and threatened species. The inspiring teacher helped Amber realize that a career in zookeeping was the perfect fit. A typical day involves cleaning exhibits, making diets, feeding the animals, and conducting shows and encounters for guests.

Building trust with the animals takes time. Being present consistently helps build confidence, and positive engagement through training, feeding, and petting strengthens the bond. Amber wishes visitors could see the animals’ unique personalities making them so fun to work with and care for.

A behind-the-scenes story that visitors might not know is that the zookeeper team engages in bonding activities, from jamming to music in the kitchen while preparing diets to painting boxes and other items for enrichment outside of work. For aspiring zookeepers, Amber advises gaining hands-on experience through volunteering or internships at rehabilitation facilities or zoos and pursuing a degree in an animal-related field like Zoology or Wildlife Biology.

Meet Kevin

Kevin loves the opportunity to work with amazing animals and teach guests of all ages to appreciate them. As a zookeeper, Kevin has the incredible chance to reshape people’s negative perceptions of animals such as snakes while offering new and exciting experiences to kids, hoping to inspire the next generation. A memorable moment with Tilly, the Brown Lemur, will always brighten anyone’s day. Tilly often curls up in Kevin’s arms, making cute grunts and giving lots of licks.

Growing up watching Kevin Richardson and the late Steve Irwin, Kevin was inspired to become a zookeeper. Richardson sparked a love for mammals, mainly spotted hyenas, which are now favorites thanks to Songa and Sniffs, the two hyena residents at the zoo. Steve Irwin’s excitement and love for animals resonated globally. As a keeper, Kevin strives to teach and interact with guests with the same enthusiasm.

A typical day for Kevin involves morning care for the animals and exhibits, including feeding, training, and ensuring enclosures are in top shape. The day is filled with educational shows and one-on-one encounters where guests can learn about the animal ambassadors up close. Trust and bonds with the animals are built through training centered around positive reinforcement, creating an exciting and engaging environment.

Kevin wishes people knew that snakes do not want to hurt anyone. It’s a common misconception that snakes are aggressive, but like most wild animals, they will only bite if provoked. It’s important to appreciate them from a distance and understand their role in the ecosystem. Kevin advises aspiring zookeepers to get started as early as possible. Working at an animal shelter or pet-sitting can provide fundamental experience and there is always time to start learning. The best time to start is now.

Meet Allison

Allison loves the unique and meaningful experiences and connections made with various animals. One of her most memorable moments was bottle-feeding Bill, the baby camel, for the first time, a touching experience that solidified her passion for animal care. Inspired by a deep curiosity and adoration for wild animals, Allison knew from a young age that she wanted to pursue a career in zookeeping.

A typical day for Allison involves a bunch of cleaning in the morning, followed by feeding and working with the animals in the afternoon, interspersed with guest interactions and educational experiences. Building trust with the animals requires patience and providing positive experiences, which Allison practices daily. She wishes people knew that the animals at the zoo are individuals with many emotions. Still, they are also very different from people. Understanding them is a continual process, and complete comprehension might never be achieved.

Allison emphasizes the importance of finding as many experiences as possible for those aspiring to become zookeepers. Internships and volunteer work are invaluable in gaining the necessary skills and knowledge for this rewarding career. Aspiring zookeepers can build a fulfilling career in animal care through dedication and persistence just as Allison has.

Meet Kendall

Kendall loves being a zookeeper because of the opportunity to learn something new every day. A particularly memorable moment was during one of Kendall’s first lion shows, where the male lion stood up on command for the first time, showcasing a rewarding interaction with such a magnificent animal. This passion for animals developed over time, leading Kendall to switch majors to animal science and pursue a dream job as a zookeeper.

A typical day for Kendall involves ensuring all the animals’ homes are clean and feeding some of them. Educational shows are a highlight, where guests learn about the fantastic animals in Kendall’s care. One-on-one encounters with guests and educational animals add to the day’s activities and animal maintenance to ensure their health. The day ends with settling the animals in for the night before heading home.

Building trust with the animals involves taking time and effort to form relationships through positive reinforcement, always ensuring the animals’ comfort. Kendall wishes people knew that all the animals at the zoo have unique personalities and are incredibly important to the keepers.

A behind-the-scenes story that stands out for Kendall is the arrival of the skunks. Having never been close to a skunk before, Kendall was amazed by their sweetness and quickly grew fond of them. For aspiring zookeepers, Kendall’s advice is never to give up, as getting into the animal field can be challenging. Following your passion for working with animals and continuously learning is critical to success.

Meet Samantha

Samantha loves the unique experiences that come with being a zookeeper, moments that are once in a lifetime for most people. One of the most memorable moments was holding a baby lion for the first time, an awe-inspiring experience. Inspired by watching TV shows about zoos with her grandmother, Samantha was determined to work side by side with exotic animals and made it happen.

A typical day for Samantha starts early in the morning with cleaning and feeding the animals in her care, followed by diet preparation for the next day. Throughout the day, she introduces animals to guests through encounters and shows. Building trust with the animals involves allowing them space to get to know her and then gradually hand-feeding, petting, and playing with the more playful ones.

Samantha wishes people understood that while the animals are well taken care of, they do not always like being touched by people, so it’s important to respect their space. A fun behind-the-scenes story involves baby carnivores like lions and wolves, who are playful at heart. When they were small, they would run around the office, getting into things and chewing on shoes and jackets.

For those aspiring to become zookeepers, Samantha advises not to give up. The journey might be tough at times, but perseverance and dedication can lead to a fulfilling career in animal care.

In Conclusion

As National Zookeeper Week comes to a close, we at Animal World and Snake Farm Zoo want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated and passionate zookeepers. Their tireless work and unwavering commitment to animal care and conservation make a significant impact on both the lives of our animal residents and the experiences of our visitors. Through their stories, we hope you have gained a deeper appreciation for the remarkable individuals who devote their lives to nurturing and protecting wildlife.

Each zookeeper’s journey is unique, filled with memorable moments, challenges, and triumphs. From building trust with the animals to educating the public and inspiring the next generation, their roles are as diverse as the animals they care for. We are incredibly proud of our team and the love and dedication they bring to their work every day.

Stay curious, stay inspired, and always keep learning about the amazing animals that make our world so special. We look forward to welcoming you to Animal World and Snake Farm Zoo, where you can see the dedication of our zookeepers in action and experience the wonder of wildlife up close.

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